Sunday, May 10, 2009

Game Changing and Soul Eating....

These are two comments I'm hearing about this week's finale. Yikes! I keep hearing that it's beyond Season 3's end when we first got Flash Forwards a la "We have to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Apparently this week's ending will leave us wondering how the show can go on.


And you know we have to wait 9 months to find out! Geez..............................

Quick recap from this week- I was pumped for this Richard centric episode and I was a little disappointed. I wanted more Richard backstory. We get it, we get it- he's old and has been on the Island a wicked long time.

What's the deal with Locke? I've always been a big Locke fan/believer, but he wants to kill Jacob?!? I guess we're finally going to "see" the real Jacob (not Christian, or a horse, or whatever else he appears as) Jacob is going to be "visiting" some of our Losties as children- to see what they were or what they are, and are they worthy. (Hey, whatever happened to that "list" that the others had. Was the list good or bad? And where are those kids and that flight attendant Cindy?) How about how Locke and Jack seeming to be switching sides in a sense.
Locke is becoming more the man of science and Jack the man of faith.

Nice to finally see Sayid again- love that he came to Kate's rescue and that she's ditching Jack.
Uncomfortable sub ride though.....We saw from the previews that they are back on the island, so I guess the sub doesn't go very far.

And the big death is coming...I'm getting sad.......sorry this post is so random, trying to write thoughts quick.

Let's hear what you have to say- put yourself as Anonymous if you must:)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Take me to my Mother, She's an Other!

Goodbye Daniel Farraday- I feel like I hardly knew ya!

What did you think of the 100th episode, "The Variable". I enjoyed it- I felt like it returned to a format that I prefer- where flashbacks are all for one person, and seem mostly logical and add to the episode. If you didn't know that Daniel was set to die (which I did because I spoil way too much for myself) then you should've known as soon as we were seeing all the flashbacks of his life. That's usually an automatic, "you're a goner".

A year ago when we met these Freighter people, I guess I naively thought they all wouldn't be connected to the island, but of course they had to be. Daniel was brilliant and gifted, but damaged and going to the island would heal him (according to his formerly head Other parents).
I was annoyed when he confronted Jack about how the Oceanic 6 got back- and alluded that his mother had been wrong about it being their destiny that they return. Are they supposed to be there or not.....seriously? I loved when he told Dr. Chang/Halliwax/Candle that this Miles was also his son- he almost believed him? I think it's interesting that the Hatch turned out to be necessary- so what happened after Des let it blow and the sky went purple? Is it okay now, or could continue to be problematic?

I'm really not sure what to think of Charles Widmore- is he bad afterall, or is Ms. Hawking just worse? Did Eloise truly intend to kill her son? Picky, picky- How does the child of two Brits not have a British accent....
All the commentators out there were saying there would be two big deaths at the end of this season- one was Majorish- that would be Daniel. The one that is left is meant to be MAJOR- and I'm growing concerned. I wish they would just kill Kate, she's just useless. I can't believe I'm completely on board the James and Juliet bandwagon, but I am. I will sad if their happiness has to come to an end.....