Sunday, May 3, 2009

Take me to my Mother, She's an Other!

Goodbye Daniel Farraday- I feel like I hardly knew ya!

What did you think of the 100th episode, "The Variable". I enjoyed it- I felt like it returned to a format that I prefer- where flashbacks are all for one person, and seem mostly logical and add to the episode. If you didn't know that Daniel was set to die (which I did because I spoil way too much for myself) then you should've known as soon as we were seeing all the flashbacks of his life. That's usually an automatic, "you're a goner".

A year ago when we met these Freighter people, I guess I naively thought they all wouldn't be connected to the island, but of course they had to be. Daniel was brilliant and gifted, but damaged and going to the island would heal him (according to his formerly head Other parents).
I was annoyed when he confronted Jack about how the Oceanic 6 got back- and alluded that his mother had been wrong about it being their destiny that they return. Are they supposed to be there or not.....seriously? I loved when he told Dr. Chang/Halliwax/Candle that this Miles was also his son- he almost believed him? I think it's interesting that the Hatch turned out to be necessary- so what happened after Des let it blow and the sky went purple? Is it okay now, or could continue to be problematic?

I'm really not sure what to think of Charles Widmore- is he bad afterall, or is Ms. Hawking just worse? Did Eloise truly intend to kill her son? Picky, picky- How does the child of two Brits not have a British accent....
All the commentators out there were saying there would be two big deaths at the end of this season- one was Majorish- that would be Daniel. The one that is left is meant to be MAJOR- and I'm growing concerned. I wish they would just kill Kate, she's just useless. I can't believe I'm completely on board the James and Juliet bandwagon, but I am. I will sad if their happiness has to come to an end.....


Mommy, Esq. said...

When we learned that she was an Other I turned to Husband and said - "they had better not make Widmore his father - after all Eloise and Charles have blue eyes and Daniel has brown eyes." I was pissed when that is what happened. Also, how did he end up with a different last name? At first I didn't like the ep because Daniel kept crying and that was annoying but he really came through after the shot grazed him. Tough choice - whether to continue on their path or go back and undo everything. On one hand all those innocent (and not all that innocent) people needlessly died but on the other hand in some ways the Lostaways lives are better than if they had continued on their paths (e.g., Kate).

Mommy, Esq. said...

P.S. Two more thoughts. 1. Yeah, for syndication (100 eps) but they were already showing Lost on SciFi (soon to be SyFy). 2. Kate IS totally useless. I remember thinking while watching the ep -she is so quiet - is she there just to look at? Probably.

Monica Marino said...

I had the same question about the accent. And Daniel's accent is all over the place- maybe it's part of his disorder? I am starting to love the Miles/Dr. Chang thing. But as always- how will they tie this all up in one season so it all works?

Mrs. McGinnity said...

I have no problem with the accent - as we all know I can spot a father figure a mile (or a season or two) away - Miles Candle but of course. I think the group meeting at Sawyer and Juliet's was one of the best in a long time - partially because Kate was quiet. Did anyone catch Jimmy Kimmel Wed. night? Dom Monaghan (Charlie) and JJ Abrams - with all sorts of talk about Star Trek and Lost, all wrapped into one. Its nice that my secret obsession is now ultra cool. I'm just so glad I got my Dez fix. Can I say I just love Penny too - but she was a fool to let that nurse watch little Charlie in the waiting room. I half-expected Eloise to scoop him up and take him back to the jewelry store.