Thursday, December 31, 2009

12 Days of Lost-mas

Soon, so soon. 33 days or so............

I've been remiss in clueing you all into some great info/spoilers.

My favorite E! online blogger, Watch with Kristin, is posting the "12 Days of Lost-mas".

There up to the eigth day- so make sure to scroll down to read the first seven, and check back in
to see the next four.

Have you see this poster?

It's apparently part of series that was produced- and there were clues to find them and then they would all be revealed a this gallery in NYC, with two addtional posters with big clues to the last season. I think it's pretty cool; a nod to Alfred Hitchcok and of course featuring my beloved Locke.

What will we do without Lost?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Great promo, not in English but cool none the less

Apparently "Darlton" are refusing to let any clips of the final season be released. Instead, a
Spanish station created a very poetic and allegorical promo

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Deeper Meaning

I haven't seen much Lost scoop lately, but stumbled upon a tidbit of info that I thought you all (Monica, Amy, maybe Maureen, or Josie) would like to hear.

I love to hear interesting, clever episode titles filled with hidden meanings.
(I feel the same way about chapter titles in books and I hate when a book doesn't have chapter titles at all.)

As of right now, there is speculation that the first four episodes will be:

6.01/6.02: “LA X”

6.03: “What Kate Does”

And now, the title of 6.04 (rumored to be Locke-centric) is…

“The Substitute”

Now right away I remembered that Season 2 gave us the episode- "What Kate Did" so now we have a little play on that.

As I mentioned in a previous post- what will this reboot from the detonation of the H-bomb do? Will Kate have done something different?

Will these episodes parrallel episodes from the first season? First episode will be Jack focused, then Kate, then Locke, etc.?

Countdown is on.......2010 will be here before we know it.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Another key returnee

Greg Gunberg has been approached to return to the final season of Lost. This will make him very busy as his regular gig has been as "Matt Parkman" on Heroes continues.

So with the return of the pilot of the fateful Oceanic Flight 815, does this give credence to the idea of the reboot? Or more backstory to the flight?

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Summer rumors

You thought I all forgot you, didn't you? The Lost finale was so head splitting that I did kind of push it out of my mind. This doesn't mean that I don't look at Lost news/spoilers that come my way.

Earlier in the summer, there were some interesting ideas swirling around Dominic Monaghan- the beloved Charlie. ABC was running some very clever promos for their fall season where they were combining different characters from different shows together.

This started big internet buzz that Charlie would be returning from the dead! ABC was quick to say that he was due to be part of the new series Flash Forward- but there is speculation that he will be doing both. This leads us to a discussion of what this new season- this reboot if you will- in January 2010 will bring.

Will the show "start over"? There is a lot of rumbling that Juliet's detination of the bomb will cause the show to begin all over if you will. Meaning- that people who were dead, will now be alive. Flight 815 would never have crashed. The lives of our "Losties" would never have been interowoven and interupted. Now "Darlton" (the beloved Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) have long held that once you "die" on the island, you are "dead". There has been a lot of buzz about other returning characters. We have known that Claire would not be on this past season, but that she would be back for the last season. What does this mean? Apparently Maggie Grace, "Shannon" has also been in talks.

I surprised myself that I became such a "Suliet" fan, so like others I was disappointed by the apparent loss of Elizabeth Mitchell in the season finale. She is also about to become a star of the ABC redo of the 80s show, "V". I bet many of you don't remember "V", but I do. It was initially a miniseries on NBC in 1983. This would have made me 7 years old and I vividly remember "V" scaring the bejeezus out of me! ("V" and the book "Communion" would start a period my life in the early 80s where I was terrified of being kidnapped by aliens.) With that being said, I have gone on to like other alien-ish things, and I might give this "V" a chance especially since it was written by the same person as "The 4400" which is a show I really enjoyed.

Here's a link to an interview with Michael Ausiello and the cast of "V'. Elizabeth Mitchell also mentions some interesting tidbits about Lost-

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Game Changing and Soul Eating....

These are two comments I'm hearing about this week's finale. Yikes! I keep hearing that it's beyond Season 3's end when we first got Flash Forwards a la "We have to go back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Apparently this week's ending will leave us wondering how the show can go on.


And you know we have to wait 9 months to find out! Geez..............................

Quick recap from this week- I was pumped for this Richard centric episode and I was a little disappointed. I wanted more Richard backstory. We get it, we get it- he's old and has been on the Island a wicked long time.

What's the deal with Locke? I've always been a big Locke fan/believer, but he wants to kill Jacob?!? I guess we're finally going to "see" the real Jacob (not Christian, or a horse, or whatever else he appears as) Jacob is going to be "visiting" some of our Losties as children- to see what they were or what they are, and are they worthy. (Hey, whatever happened to that "list" that the others had. Was the list good or bad? And where are those kids and that flight attendant Cindy?) How about how Locke and Jack seeming to be switching sides in a sense.
Locke is becoming more the man of science and Jack the man of faith.

Nice to finally see Sayid again- love that he came to Kate's rescue and that she's ditching Jack.
Uncomfortable sub ride though.....We saw from the previews that they are back on the island, so I guess the sub doesn't go very far.

And the big death is coming...I'm getting sad.......sorry this post is so random, trying to write thoughts quick.

Let's hear what you have to say- put yourself as Anonymous if you must:)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Take me to my Mother, She's an Other!

Goodbye Daniel Farraday- I feel like I hardly knew ya!

What did you think of the 100th episode, "The Variable". I enjoyed it- I felt like it returned to a format that I prefer- where flashbacks are all for one person, and seem mostly logical and add to the episode. If you didn't know that Daniel was set to die (which I did because I spoil way too much for myself) then you should've known as soon as we were seeing all the flashbacks of his life. That's usually an automatic, "you're a goner".

A year ago when we met these Freighter people, I guess I naively thought they all wouldn't be connected to the island, but of course they had to be. Daniel was brilliant and gifted, but damaged and going to the island would heal him (according to his formerly head Other parents).
I was annoyed when he confronted Jack about how the Oceanic 6 got back- and alluded that his mother had been wrong about it being their destiny that they return. Are they supposed to be there or not.....seriously? I loved when he told Dr. Chang/Halliwax/Candle that this Miles was also his son- he almost believed him? I think it's interesting that the Hatch turned out to be necessary- so what happened after Des let it blow and the sky went purple? Is it okay now, or could continue to be problematic?

I'm really not sure what to think of Charles Widmore- is he bad afterall, or is Ms. Hawking just worse? Did Eloise truly intend to kill her son? Picky, picky- How does the child of two Brits not have a British accent....
All the commentators out there were saying there would be two big deaths at the end of this season- one was Majorish- that would be Daniel. The one that is left is meant to be MAJOR- and I'm growing concerned. I wish they would just kill Kate, she's just useless. I can't believe I'm completely on board the James and Juliet bandwagon, but I am. I will sad if their happiness has to come to an end.....

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Some like it Hoth, some like it Hoth..

I'm a big Star Wars fan- now, not the dress up and go to the convention type of fan, but I am still a fan. (No offense Chris:) Infact, I would say my favorite episode is Episode V- The Empire Strikes Back

Tonight's "Lost" steals it's title from that movie- Hoth being the ice planet that hides the secret rebel base- remember Luke gets attacked by the weird abominable snowman creature- makes me think of those mysterious polar bears.

Anyway- as always Doc Jensen at EW did his usual pre-Lost episode discussion. I have stolen these ideas from someone called Tim Birmingham, from somewhere near Ann Arbor, Michigan (home of the Dharma Initiative you know). I liked what Tim had to say, and maybe we're related because my middle name happens to be Birmingham, and so here we go:

''A reference to contemporary pop-culture seems out of sorts for an episode title, until one reviews the plot synopsis and the year the action takes place. First, the plot: 'Miles and Hurley are instructed to deliver a package to a high ranking Dharma official.' Second, the year: 1977, which is the year Star Wars was released. Okay, here's what we're thinking.

1. Hurley and Miles must travel to Ann Arbor to deliver the package. Is it possible they make a slight diversion to catch Star Wars while it's still playing in theaters? Also, given Miles' character, isn't it reasonable to infer that he would scream to the audience 'Darth is Luke's father!' three years before anyone would know that? (Imagine someone from the future telling you how Lost ends. Good? Bad? Very meta.) We could also see Miles grabbing up as many packaged Star Wars action figures, too, cashing in on their future value.

2. The parallels between Star Wars and Lost. Miles and Hurley are like C-3PO and R2-D2: They're delivering plans to their leaders. Will they get caught? Who's their Obi-Wan?

3. Like Hoth in The Empire Strikes Back, the Island may be the hidden rebel base of our heroes. This season may end with the discovery of the Island by whatever represents the Empire. Will Sawyer get Kate out on his version of the Millennium Falcon?''

Talk more this weekend- I'm on vacation, so I should hopefully have some time for some really blogging!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Writers are wicked smart...

Halfway throught tonight's episode, "Whatever Happened, Happened" and I'm in awe of the writers. Obviously these episodes were written and filmed quite awhile ago. How did the super awesome writers know every little silly thought that we would have? How much do I love that it's Hurley and Miles who are having the same deep conversation that I've had with every fan that I know.

Hurley holding up his hand, and alluding to "Back to the Future" priceless......

more to come- what has happened to Aaron? Perhaps living safely with Sawyer's chick and Clementine?

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Holy Flaming Vans, Batman...

or my other title was to be "Dharma Karma". I loved them both, and lifted them from other fabulous professional bloggers.

Sorry that I've been so delayed in posting- busy, busy.

Let's recap quickly- In this past week's "He's Our You", Sayid is in trouble. Little more Sayid back story, apparently a born killer (and a nod to Mr. Ekho's back story when he killed so his brother didn't have to) I thought Sayid would get pummeled, but he just got some acid slipped to him. Can't believe got seduced again, and this time didn't get away! How great was Sayid's reaction to who else would be on his flight to Guam- "Can we please take the next flight?" Could this really be a coincidence?

Did you almost want to cry when Juliet said to Sawyer, "so this is over now". Ugh! I can't believe that I've become a fan of their pairing.

This week sure ended with a bang- literally. In my opinion, Ben can't be dead. Cause if he's dead, what happens to future Ben and everything (mostly bad) that he's done. Did little Ben recognize Sayid? or not at all like Rousseau and Jin's interaction. (Also, when Ben's good for nothing dad, "Roger Workman" says to Ben, "you've never brought me a sandwhich", that's the same thing that Ben said in turn to Juliet when she was trying to be Jack a sandwhich.

Speaking of Jack, will he have to save the life of little Ben with perhaps some more surgery?

What is the deal with dead people on this island? Lisa T at the Killam school believes the Ajira people are all dead- and that is why Sun and Frank could see Christian. I would like to know how Sun decked Ben if they are both dead? I'm also wondering about the Others/Hostiles and their ability to travel around the island, through the sonic fence, and off the island. Is Richard dead, is this why he doesn't age? Was Christian brought back to life when the coffin landed on the island- because that coffin was empty when Jack found it? And we've seen Locke walking around seemingly fit again, out of his coffin.

My other big question for all you- can the space time continuum be changed- is this like other time travel storylines that we know so well, like Star Trek: The Next Generation or Back to the Future, or is some kind of new fangled time travel?

Where the heck is Daniel Farraday, and Desmond? Remember brother, Farraday's mother, Eloise Hawking, said that the island wasn't done with Des? (keep praying for Penny)

Thursday, March 19, 2009


So, what did you all think? We've really been spoiled- an amazing episode week after, week. They make us wait two weeks, and give us, "Namasate". I thought it was okay, and we learned a few things, but I wasn't terribly shocked and didn't stare in awe.

What we know- Jack, Kate, Hurley, and Sayid made the transition to 1977. Thanks to James LaFleur, the first three have made the transition to being part of the Dharma Initiative. (How much did you love Hurley, "Dude, you know they die? I saw them in that pit." Those three all landed together in the lagoon, but Sayid appeared somewhere else. As a result, they couldn't get him on the manifest, and he must now be classified as a "hostile".

Jack was ready to talk strategy with Sawyer, but Sawyer wasn't playing. (Sawyer likes to read a book everynight, like Winston Chruchill did.) He's the sheriff now-literally because he's the head of security. Jack has been relegated to janitorial services- that's all he scored on the aptitude test- ha! I guess he'll be meeting up with Ben's boozebad dad, whom we know as Roger "Workman".

Why didn't Sun or Ben transtion back in time with the rest of the Scooby gang? I find this concerning. Did you love Sun decking Ben? When she and Frank make it back to the other island, it is clearly not 1977 and New Otherton is in shambles. They are greeted by no other than, Christian Shephard. This had me concerned. If they can see Christian, they must be dead, right? But Locke saw him back in the day before he died (but he was uber special) and Sun couldn't have decked Ben if she was a ghost, right?

Should Juliet be worried? Things between the quadrangle are certainly going to be heating up, but can Sawyer and Juliet resist the return of Jack and Kate? Sawyer definitely referred to her as "Kate", not Freckles, so who knows.

How perfectly cast was "Little Ben"? Down to the lips, a deadringer!

We know Miles is still kicking around (still remains to be seen whether he will turn out to be the baby we saw in the seaon premiere- the son of Pierre Chang/Marvin Candle etc., the guy from all the videos) Where is Daniel Farraday? I fear it is not looking good. Sawyer seemed to imply he was no longer around....doesn't mean we are doomed to never see him again. We could certainly get some addtional info about him....and they are predicting a MAJOR death. Could it be good old time travelling Daniel?

"Other" thoughts:
1. We now know that Amy and Horace are the parents of none other than , Ethan Rom. (The creepy William Mapother, and cousin of Tom Cruise, who kidnapped Claire and strung up Charlie in season 1.) So, if Ethan was originally part of the DI, did he make the transition with Ben to the Others when Ben gassed them all?

2. Will Sayid resist doing away with Little Ben? Don't forget the torture that Sayid set upon "Henry Gale" back in the day?

3. Kazinsky- He seems like a paranoid fellow. You will recall that Kazinsky was the original partner of Kelvin Inman at the lovely "Swan" station. Kazinsky was the one who designed that blacklight map on the blast door, and then killed himself. Kelvin then replaced him with Desmond after he found him washed up on the beach. Now, I'm curious to see that he appeared to be designing the Swan station. He was very concerned that Sayid may have seen his little toothpick model. I assume then that Kazinsky knew the false nature of the Swan. I think in the past we were lead to believe that the people in the Swan didn't know that they were kind of being watched by the people from the Pearl.

4. What happened to Aaron?

5. Where are Bernard and Rose? 2004, 1977, another time?

Your thoughts, predictions, comments.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Death becomes Lost

Lot of speculation brewing in the world of tv discussion/spoilers that a major character will die before the end of the season.

Oh no! I don't know if there's anyone I can part with!

I have some spoilers, hints at who it might be, and not be. If you want to know....highlight to reveal below:

1. A current series regular is getting killed before the end of season five.
2. The character who will die is someone who is much-loved by many of you fans.
3. This is a real leaving-the-show death, à la Shannon or Charlie, not a quick-fix time-travel death like Jeremy Bentham/John Locke.

4. There was some speculation that it was Kate, but it is apparently not.


Sunday, March 8, 2009

I'm going to wash that girl right out of my hair...

The Left Behinders have landed- in 1974.
Sawyer was looking awfully perky and clean, eh. JoEllen described him to be "the Breck girl".
Was he too shiny for most of you? I will admit, I like him better scruffier.
But it seems that James LaFleur has found his nitch with the old D.I. (Dharma Initiative), being the head of security and all. And he seems quite at home with Juliet....I thought there chemistry was pretty good. We see them there until 1977- (did we see Daniel in 1977?)

Horace Goodspeed- we have seen Horace before, twice I believe. We met Horace and his wife Olivia (where did she go) when we saw the birth of Benjamin Linus in Portland. Horace and Olivia happened upon Roger "Workman" Linus and his wife. They orchestrated the Linuses coming to the island. We also saw Horace as a ghost building "the shack" in the jungle when Ben was looking for Jacob. Horace was supposedly building the shack for his sweetheart- Olivia? Amy? I'm wondering if it's such a good idea to build vacation cottages on the island outside of the Dharma compound- with the hostiles and all?

Who is the baby? Must be signifcant, right? Can't be Ben. There was some banter about him being Carl, Alex's dead, tortured boyfriend who had been mentioned to be an orphan. It was a boy, so it wasn't Charlotte. ( I would also like to be the first to possibly say that the little redheaded girl that Daniel saw, was not Charlotte. Ben rattled off her name, age, and she's too young to be that girl- if they stick with conistency. My prediction- the redheaded girl could be Annie, the girl that Ben loved.) Could the baby be one of the newbies from the plane? Perhaps Caesar who was poking around the Dharma hatches after the plan crashed?

Significance of the ankh-Amy needed to take the ankh, Egyptian symbol of life, from her dead husband Paul before he was turned over to Richard Alpert and the hostiles. When we saw the end of the hatch, after the numbers ran down, Egyptian hieroglyphics appeared. Don't forget that the when you "leave" the island via the donkey wheel, the other opening is in Tunisia, a couple countries away from Egypt, along the Mediterranean. Lest we forget the four toed statue- that we got a brief glimpse of in between the last two flashes. He appeared to be Egyptian-ish, or Greek to my art historian eyes.

Jim LaFleur tried to quell the fears of booze drinking, dynamite throwing Horace- Amy is over Paul. Infact, Jim himself can't even remember the face of the girl he loved three years ago...enter Kate.

What will happen now? Two weeks, ugh? Sayid looks like he's in trouble....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Guys, When are we?

Now, I ripped that off of Eonline, but I loved it! This week we see what will become of our Losties, since they are now stuck in the 70s. Bring on the Geronimo Jackson!

We know that Jack, Kate, and Hurley are in the lagoon- and Jin in the jumpsuit just pulled up. Where are Sayid and Sun? Are they all in the same time, or not?

How's Kate going to feel when she sees Sawyer? And how will she feel when she sees how buddy, buddy he is with Juliet?

I have (what I think) is a good prediction- and it is totally mine, not stolen from anywhere else on the web.

It is in regards to Charlotte- I think Charlotte's nosebleeds were in regards to travelling through time towards the time when she existed on the island. So, Charlotte had to die before she was able to encounter her younger "self" on the island. People who have been to the island or lived on the island in another time are in danger- so Juliet, Ben, and possibly others (well, not necessarily other Others)
As my friend JoEllen says, "This isn't your mother's time travel".

Thoughts- you can always post anonymously, and then identify yourself if you don't have a login name:)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The Life and (Shocking) Death of Jeremy Bentham

Mea Culpa, LOST friends. I wrote a whole lot about last week's AMAZING episode, and then blogger went and ate it. I don't know why these things happen- I know that Mommy, Esq. is having her own blogger woes....I've reconstructed what I could for your reading enjoyment.

Wow! I mean this show just keeps getting better, and better! This episode finally gave us the story of how Locke ended up dead, and boy was it a shocker. We begin with Locke appearing, injured of course, in Tunisia (where we also saw Ben appear and the skeleton of that polar bear that Charlotte was digging for). He is swooped up to (where I read somewhere else) a Bedouin Urgent Care center, funded of course by Charles Widmore.

Now, Charles Widmore tells John they have met before, fifty years earlier. (I find this interesting because this seems against what we've seen earlier, like with Rousseau. Widmore remembers meeting Locke) Widmore says the island is important to him, blah, blah, and that he used to be the island leader till Ben tricked him to leave. My question: where does this leave Penny? Like Mon mentioned, could she have been born on the island? If Des brings her and mini-Charlie there, will she get nosebleeds and die?

Widmore sends Locke off with all that he needs to find the Oceanic 6 and bring them back. This includes a new identity. Apparently Jeremy Bentham was a British Philosopher who was diametrically apposed to all the thoughts of his fellow philosopher, John Locke. Helping Locke will be Matthew Abbadon- someone who gets people where they need to go. According to Wikipedia, Abbadon is sometimes a reference to the angel of death. (I found him quite scary last season, not as much in this episode and his death scene was pretty gruesome. I also like him on "Fringe", so maybe that has something to do with it.)

None of the Oceanic Six is thrilled to see Locke, and are definitely not interested in going back.

Sayid would like him to hangout and build houses for Habitat for Humanity.I was happy to see his stopover with Walt- I was quite confused as to why he didn't have to go back too? I like that Locke chose to let him be. And that Abbadon said, " the boy got big".
The person most unhappy to see Locke- Kate. She was not too nice to him, making a point to say to him, "that he wants to go back because he has nothing else and noone else to keep him here." Ouch. So that brings me to the cemetery...
Is Helen really dead? Was that a setup from Widmore? or Ben? or someone else

I'm sure that you were all thinking the same thing; who's the bad guy here? The lines are so it Ben as Widmore insists, or is it Widmore as Ben insists?

And then we saw the ending. So.....what is Ben's m.o. He killed him once Locke gave over the info about Mrs. Hawking, or he was helping Locke because the island wouldn't take him back if he had committed suicide?

More to come in a separate post about tonight..
PS- If you are not watching "Lost Untangled" on or youtube, YOU MUST! They are friggin' hysterical!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Responses and Discussion with the Ladies of West Parrish Drive

Mommy, Esq and Stacey, I was trying to find a creative way to address you, so that's what you guys got.

I have no time to be doing this right now, but guess what I find myself doing- blogging

1. The kiss between Kate and Jack was definitely more than a kiss and I enjoy the implication that she is now pregnant- whether she was trying to replace Clare on the plane or what, but I could see it going that way (of course we also thought that she was pregnant by Sawyer after the romp in the Polar bear cage, and that would be the son she had in the future and it turned out to be Aaron.)

2. Ben saying that his mother taught him to read, was just him being an ass. Jack doens't know that his mother died in childbirth, but I think Ben was just being smarmy.

3. Sayid after the pier- I'm with you Stacey, that I hope he beat the snot out of Ben, but I'm not totally hopeful. Did Sayid go and confess to the crimes to get Hurley out of jail? (since Hurley had confessed to the murders) How did he manage to get himself extradited to Guam, with his very own marshall? Or did he do something else bad to get himself arrested?

Apparently Darlton couldn't decide what order they wanted to air the episodes- so they showed us this one of them getting back to the island and this week with "Jeremy Bentham" we might get more info of how they got to the airport.

4. What did Ben do? Ugh. When he said he unfinished business, and then looked a mess.
Where are Penny and Des? Is Penny okay? Did Des beat the snot out of him?

5. I totally recognized 316 right away- I'm not very religious, or anything but I just knew, and then when I saw and realized that was on Echo's walking stick, of course.
Stacey said...
Oh, and in case the title "316" refers to John 3:16..."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."

"The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" is going to kick ass. Guess who's scheduled to be in this episode?

Walt (remember he did say that Jeremy Bentham had vistited him) and the creepy Matthew Abbadon will also be returning.

Hey, why doesn't Walt have to go back too? Why weren't things all thrown off when he and Michael left the first time?

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Welcome Aboard Ajira Airwarys!

First and foremost, my viewing tonight was almost ruined by this fellow:

More on this later.

What an f****** great episode! I have to say, I never expected them to "get back" to the island so quickly this season. I thought it would be dragged out longer, and how they got back was even better than I expected.

We had know about Ajira Airways since the teasers this summer about this "other" airline. How great was Frank Lepidus as the pilot. (And he looked very good, I'm not sure if I would have realized that it was him.) I loved the look on his face when he recognized everyone in first class, and then he said, "We're not going to Guam, are we".

Let me back up:

1. The episode begins with the Losties being introduced to "The Lampost" the Dharma station created to find the island. (Is "The Lampost" a nod to the beloved light seen by the Pensevie children when they arrive in Narnia?)

2. Desmond is all fired up about this idea of going back. Eloise Hawkings tells Desmond, the island isn't done with him either.

3. In a private session with "Ms. Hawkings", as Ben calls her, Jack is told he must bring everyone back or someone to replace as many people. Oh, and he needs something from his dead dad to bring back with Locke. (Since apparently coffin bound Locke will be playing the role of Christian Shepard on this flight.) Luckily, Jack's never before mentioned grandfather has just been nabbed trying to escape from the nursing home, and he might have just the thing that Jack needs.

4. When Jack arrives home, Kate is there. She tells him to never ask about Aaron again and they have one of their dark, painful kisses. (Where did Aaron go? Did Kate give him up willingly? When Claire appeared to her in Aaron's room, she did make Kate promise that she would never bring Aaron back!)

5. Ben calls the next morning to tell Jack they must all meet up at the airport. Ben looks rough. What happened to him? Did he take Aaron and hide him? Did he go after Penny, since he knew that she and Desmond were in L.A., to fulfill his promise to Widmore for killing Alex? Did he break Hurley out of jail?

6. The Scooby gang reunites at the airport- Hurley is there, and he brought a guitar. Hopefully with a lot of batteries for his CDman. (He has bought up all the remaining tickets!) Sayid walks by, escorted by a mystery woman. We need a fake marshall too?

7. I fully expected Locke's letter to say, "Don't get on the plane" or "Don't trust Ben", but it was very true to the character of Locke as a Man of Faith when it said, "I wish that you had believed."

8. Ben is reading "Ulysses", essentially the Latin/Roman version of "Odysseus" discuss amongst yourselves. Wait a second- Isn't Ben supposedly banned from the island forever for turning the wheel? Will he be stuck on the plane with Frank?

9. In the air, things near the island get sketchy- the losties are expecting this- there is a flash like on the island- and poof they are there! But where is Sun, and Sayid? And OMG Jin is in Dharma jumpsuit and driving Roger Workman's van, filled with Dharma beer we hope!

So are they stuck in the 70s? Are they all in the same time period? From the preview it looks like Locke (and the fake marshall) end up on the beach. Next week should be great about "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham"

So good! What did you think?

Oh and the Dusty story. I got to watch tonight with Josie and HAM, and HAM's "spirited" feline was all over the place while we watched, and he ended up behind the tv with one of his jingley balls. He ended up stepping on the power strip and turning everything OFF right as they were taking off! We don't know what we missed in those two minutes. Maybe you can all fill me in!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Goodbye Charlotte, Goodbye Charlotte- It's time to say goodnight..

Charlotte is out (or is she...) I will admit that it's hard to believe that people are ever really dead on this island, but she looked pretty dead. I knew that Charlotte Staples Lewis would be leaving us soon (and the good rumor on the street is that she has been filming a movie with George Clooney- so we should be happy for her) Like so many others, I feel like there's a lot more of a story to be told here. I must have faith in "Darlton" (how Lost producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse are known to their many followers) They are starting to give us some really good information about Rousseau, which I thought all hope was gone for with her death last year.

Speaking of Rousseua, having Jin meet Danielle and posse in the past was really interesting. The big question from many people out there was did we miss some acknowldgement from Danielle towards Jin way back in Season 1? It seems that consensus out there is "no" and that she wouldn't. (Think of how Daniel Farraday was able to go knock on the door of the hatch and tell Des to make sure he sought out Daniel's mother at Oxford.)

When Jin met the French, did his English seem especially good all of a sudden to anybody else?

Did you love the reaction of Jin and Sawyer when they saw each other?:) There was definitely giggling!

What's up with the smoke monster- which Robert clearly "knew" was the security system of the island? Yuck when he ripped off that hot angry French guy's arm! Thanks to JoEllen, who heard Rousseau refer to a member of her group losing his arm in the repeat from Season 1, "Born to Run" that was on tv Saturday. I love the continuity of the show!

Other big questions I'd like to hear thoughts about:

1. Jacob? Christian?- Who/what is Jacob? Can he take on different manifestations? Has he just assumed Christian's body after it ended up on the island, or did the island's magical powers do something to Christian's body?

Does Locke, who seems to know all, know that this is Jack's father? Christian said, "Say hi to my son for me"

Christian isn't happy that Locke let Ben do the donkey wheel turning at the end of last season.

Clearly, it was Locke's job/responisibility. Interestingly enough, Ben got hurt right before turning the wheel and so did Locke. Does the wheel reuqire a blood sacrifice?

2. Will Sun really leave Ji Yeon with her mother and come back to the island? ( do we love that Ben manipulated her with Jin's wedding ring which was supposed to be the very thing that would keep her from returning!)

3. Big debate on Is Ben good? Is Ben bad? Is he a little of both?

4. Will the flashing end, and they will be stuck somewhere in time? This is my prediction-

Charlotte said, "This place is death" and tells us that she grew up here (Dharma) and has been working her whole life to get back. In fact, Daniel Farraday appeared to her as a child and told her not to come back (I'm guessing wel'l be seeing this soon.)

I think we're going to get stuck in the 70s or 80s and see the Dharma intiative, and an actress that many are familiar with - Reiko Ayelsworth.

You might know her from "24", I of course remember her from "One Life to Live", when she loved Todd Manning, the rapist. She'll be playing Amy, and their might be something brewing between her Sawyer.....

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

"Other others"

Of course, first and foremost- JIN IS ALIVE!

I'm not surprised, I was anticpating it. It was great to see him float up Kate and Leo Titanic style, and the fact that he was discovered by Danielle Rousseau and her band of merry French scientists is just excellent.

Questions #1- If Rousseau met Jin in the past, did she know him in the future when she met the Losties? It would be so great if there was an episode from Season 1 or 2 where Danielle reacts strangely to Jin.

Questions #2- Who parked that dugout canoe on the beach with the Ajira Airways water in it? As Miles said, "I think they want their boat back." And of course, Sawyer would like to hop a flight to Vegas. I would like to see the Dharma shark swim by....

Questions #3- Where are Rose and Bernard, and who drank all the Dharma beer?

Questions # 4- why do they travel together when time flashes?

Questiong # 5- What's up with Charlotte? Is her nosebleed response because she was born on the island as speculated? (or like me perhaps, she has issues with Sinus Infections) Is Juliet in trouble because of her prolonged time on the island? Is this a return trip for Miles as well?

Profound thoughts: Apparently several of my friends out there came up with some version of this theory awhile ago- All the whispering voices in the jungle, the voices that Rousseau could always hear, were people popping up through time travel.

Monica will also be unhappy unless I ask you all your thoughts about Aaron and his car safety. I think this week, it may appear that he was in a small booster seat, but one would think under California law he'd be all strapped in.
What were all your thoughts, questions, revelations?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The Little Prince

Tomorrow night's episode is Kate centric- entitled "The Little Prince"

Who is after Aaron? I've been thinking it was Sun trying to smoke her out. I don't think that
Jack would do this, but he is blood relative of Aaron (since Clare was actually his half-sister)

Watch with Kristin has some good sneak peak videos, if you're interested!

Other things to discuss that have been brought up by others:


1. Is he the son of Dr. Marvin Candle, Halliwax, etc.? For the first time in the last episode we saw that the man who might actually be named Dr. Chang, had a small baby on the island.
Could Miles be his son? (and could my friend Josie who mentioned this idea last spring be redeemed after we called her racist, well kind of:)

2. Widmore's age- I don't think that it is unthinkable that he is 70. He could be around the age of Big Jim and Big Helen

Other thoughts?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Secret connections, time travel and bloody noses, oh my!

We must all admit, that LOST has been pretty awesome so far! I've been swamped at school and thus, unable to get to blogging and gobs of internet research post episode.

What we are wondering-

How pissed is Sun? She totally blames Kate for Jin's "death". (This week we will find out what has happened to Jin. I'm thinking/hoping that he is going to wash up on the beach after floating on a piece of wreckage Titanic style. This would be the second time that he has washed up on the beach, after the raft was blown up by the Others. Bad Luck, man!)
I was really suprised that Kate and Sun haven't seen each other in these three years. Kate had never seen a picture of Ji Yeon before, and Sun doesn't carry a more up to date picture of her?
(Of course, don't forget that it is part of Kate's parole that she cannot leave the state of CA for 10 years.) I definitely believe that Sun is behind the lawyers showing up at Kate's house, and demanding a blood test for Aaron. She is trying to scare her and wants to force her to run, right back to the island. Sun is definitely somehow involved in getting this group back together so that she can return to the island for Jin.

Who is Daniel Farraday's mother, a woman whom he wanted Desmond to find at Oxford? Is his mother Eloise Hawking, the mysterious white-haired woman who wouldn't sell Desmond the engagement ring, and who popped up with Ben while trying to plot the location of the island. Things to remember; Eloise was the name of Daniel's rat. Also, the young British sounding soldier/other was called Ellie, and Daniel felt like she looked familiar.

Does Farraday really love Charlotte? or does he keep saying this to her, to keep her grounded to be her constant? And what happened to that other chick who's in a time travel coma?

Daniel Farraday seems to be key to a lot of things- his research was being funded by Charles Widmore. (Which is making me think back to when we first saw Farraday crying over the discovery of the fuselage of Oceanic 815 from his home in Essex, MA- he knew a lot.)

Charles Widmore, who was also a young man on this island. No wonder he is desperate to get back.

Does Richard Alpert ever age, or is he just always travelling through time? Did he go to see Locke, because Locke was destined to become the leader of the Others, or because Locke told him to come?

The other big one for me with all this time travel- at some point will they shift through time and arrive at a time where the Losties have already been? ie Will they run into themselves? Will they see the departed Oceanic 6? (which Sawyer seems to imply in the preview about seeing Kate.)

I'm so glad that LOST is back and kicking-ass, and maybe even taking prisoners!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tonight, Tonight, I'll see my LOST tonight....

I've been reading some good stuff, so I feel pretty prepared for tonight.

I'm watching the big recap thing, and I felt inspired to post some favorite quotes as reminders.
(Turns out there are so many great ones that have become completely symbolic of the series, and there are more that are just funny in retrospect. Don't know if I can post them all!)

Shannon: [as Boone offers candy] As if I'm gonna start eating chocolate.
Boone: Shannon, we may be here for a while.
Shannon: The plane had a black box, idiot. They know exactly where we are. They're coming. I'll eat on the rescue boat!

Charlie: That’s French! The French are coming! I’ve never been so happy to hear the French!

Locke: [talking about Backgammon, a game he is playing with Walt] Two players, two sides. One is light, one is dark.

Hurley: How do you know how to do all that?
Sayid: I was a military communications officer.
Hurley: Oh yeah? You ever see battle?
Sayid: I fought in the Gulf War.
Hurley: No way! I got a buddy who fought over there. He was in the Hundred and Fifth Airborne. What were you, Air Force? Army?
Sayid: The Republican Guard.

Sayid: We can find food. There are plenty of things on this island we can use for sustenance.
Sawyer: And exactly how are we gonna find this sustenance?
[A knife is thrown into the seat next to Sawyer's head, everyone looks at Locke]:Locke: We hunt.
Kate: How did yo get that on the plane?
Locke: Checked it.
Jack: You either have very good aim, or very bad aim, Mr...
Michael: Locke. His name is Locke.
Jack: Okay Mr. Locke, what is it that we're hunting?
Locke: We know there are wild boar on the island. Razorbacks by the look of em. The one's that came into the camp last night were piglets, 100, 150 pounds each. Which means that there's a mother nearby. A 250 pound rat, with scimitar like tusks, a surly disposition, who'd love nothing more than to eviscerate anything that comes near it. Boar's usual mode of attack is to circle around and charge from behind so I figure it'll take at least three of us to distract her long enough for me to flank one of the piglets, pin it and slit it's throat.
Sawyer: And you gave him his knife back?
Jack:[To Sawyer about Locke's hunting] Well if you've gotta better idea?
Sawyer: Better than the three of us wandering into the magic forest to bag a hunk of ham with nothing but little bitty hunting knife? Hell no it's the best idea I ever heard. [Locke reveals his suitcase full of hunting knives.]
Hurley: Who is this guy?

Locke: But I've looked into the eye of this island, and what I saw... was beautiful.

Hurley: We got a problem. The manifest. Jack, the census. The names of everyone who survived, all 46 of us. I interviewed everyone, here, at the beach. Got their names. One of them, one of them isn't — Jack! One of them isn't in the manifest. He wasn't on the plane.

Jack: What do you think his story is?
Charlie: Who, Locke? Guy's a freak of nature. Highly disturbed. Chances are he probably killed all his mates at the post office the day his mum forgot to put a cookie in this lunch tin. That was my first impression anyway. Then he saved my life.
Jack: Then you trust him?
Charlie: Trust him? No offense, mate, but if there was one person on this island that I would put my absolute faith in to save us all, it would be John Locke.

Hurley: (frightened, whispering to himself) 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.. 4, 8 we're dead 15 doomed and dead 16 23..
Kate: Hurley, are you okay?
Hurley: Oh, yeah, awesome. I just have to pee. (Kate moves to the hatch) Great idea, dude, go over to the burning death hole

Desmond: Lower your gun, or I'll blow his damn head off, brother!
Jack: You.

Ana Lucia: You've been waiting 40 days to talk?
Mr. Eko: You waited 40 days to cry.

Hurley: So... Rose's husband is white. Didn't see that one comin'.
[Kate fears that she's hallucinating.]
Kate: Do you see that?
Sawyer: If you mean the big-ass horse standing in the jungle... then, uh, yeah.

Hurley: So what do you think is the story with that Libby chick?
Charlie: Story?
Hurley: She's kind of cute, right? You know, in an I've-been-terrorized-by-the-Others-for-forty-days kind of way?
Charlie: Yeah, there is that.
Hurley: I think I have a chance with her. I mean, it's a classic desert island scenario.

Locke: Who are you?
Gale: My name is Henry Gale. I'm from Minnesota and I crashed on this island just like you.

Hurley: Did that bird just say my name?
Sawyer: Yeah it did, right before it crapped gold.

Desmond: On that day, those numbers turned to hieroglyphics, and this whole place just starting shakin', and that screen- that screen filled up with 'SYSTEM FAILURE', see, here, 'SYSTEM FAILURE, SYSTEM FAILURE', September 22nd, 2004, the day your plane crashed, it's real, it's all bloody real now PUSH THE DAMN BUTTON!

That's a taste of Seasons 1 and 2

check out Wikiquote- pretty cool!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's Coming!

So soon, peeps! One week and counting!

Here in the US (that's a shoutout to you, Mon) we were treated to a replay of last season's finale.
It was pimped out never before aired scenes (no wonder I was confused) and pop up information. I love all kinds of additional information, so it's fun to read all the tid bits. Now it is also annoying because I can't multitask at the same time, and it's like the whole episode is about Sun and Jin, and I have to pay attention.

All sorts of stuff is starting to brew.

Doc Jensen at EW is always interesting and entertaining- although I have to tell you, his newset prediction, I'm not biting.

Where will you watch the newest episode(s)? I might be watching with the CONE over at Melissa's house, two nights after we watch the premiere of our other favorite "Big Love"

Geez, I can barely get anything done right now, don't know what I'll do once good t.v. starts again.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I'm just going to keep posting spoilers till someone responds.....hello...

From TV Guide- they has some good stuff

The first seasons' flashbacks now seem utterly quaint. And the more recent flash-forwards? Relatively simple. As promised, previewed and teased by the producers of Lost ever since Season 4 came to a close, the next cycle of episodes introduce a new storytelling "device" of sorts that might make you want to keep a notepad and pen next to your TV remote.
But enough about that. No, really — that's enough. I can't say more, given the confidentiality request that prefaced the first two Season 5 episodes made available to the press.
Instead, I will simply note that the episodes "Because You Left" and "The Lie" offer compelling twists for both the half-dozen "survivors" of Oceanic flight 815 as well as those who are still on the island (wherever it may be).

The first hour is the stronger of the two, as it sends the mind reeling and uncorks infinite possibilities. Picking up soon after the events of the season finale, "Because You Left" reiterates Ben's claim that Jack et al must return to the island to make things "right" (as Michael Emerson shares in this video, there's a "scientific need" for that reunion to happen), then lets slip a bit of insight — from the perspective of those left behind — as to where the island moved. Alas, just as they figure it out....

Next up, "The Lie" revolves around a major predicament for one of the Oceanic 6, setting the stage for a twist that significantly staggers Ben's plan to "get the band back together." Meanwhile, Sawyer, Juliet and the others are subject to old island problems, new revelations and surprise saviors, with the showstopper being one of Lost's most electric and intense action scenes ever.

Familiar faces return. New faces create new problems ... or perhaps offer solutions (hello, Fionnula Flanagan!). People die. All told, the foundation is laid for a pivotal penultimate season.
Before I go, a few more teasers to whet your whistle until the new season arrives Wednesday, Jan. 21.

• Within the first minutes, Daniel Faraday turns up in a most unexpected place.
• Jack shaves his strife beard ... in the premiere's second such shaving scene. (And no, you'll never guess the first familiar face to take razor in hand.)
• There's "another" plane crash.
• Someone gets a nosebleed. (Uh-oh.)
• Kate is haunted by a decision she made.
• As previously spoiled, a dead gal briefly resurfaces — in a somewhat surprising (and somewhat ironic) capacity.
• Did someone order a big helping of frogurt...?
• Every theory I have read about how Desmond might remain in the mix, even though he and Penny were free and clear at the end of the season finale? No one got it right.
• Someone dares call Sawyer an "inbred." That can't end well. And it doesn't.
• Speaking of Sawyer, he remains shirtless for the entire first hour plus the first eight minutes of the second episode. (ABC, you owe me big time for spreading the word on that.)