Now, I ripped that off of Eonline, but I loved it! This week we see what will become of our Losties, since they are now stuck in the 70s. Bring on the Geronimo Jackson!
We know that Jack, Kate, and Hurley are in the lagoon- and Jin in the jumpsuit just pulled up. Where are Sayid and Sun? Are they all in the same time, or not?
How's Kate going to feel when she sees Sawyer? And how will she feel when she sees how buddy, buddy he is with Juliet?
I have (what I think) is a good prediction- and it is totally mine, not stolen from anywhere else on the web.
It is in regards to Charlotte- I think Charlotte's nosebleeds were in regards to travelling through time towards the time when she existed on the island. So, Charlotte had to die before she was able to encounter her younger "self" on the island. People who have been to the island or lived on the island in another time are in danger- so Juliet, Ben, and possibly others (well, not necessarily other Others)
As my friend JoEllen says, "This isn't your mother's time travel".
Thoughts- you can always post anonymously, and then identify yourself if you don't have a login name:)
Silver and Gold
11 years ago
Ooooh. I like the whole, "can't encounter yourself" limitation. If the guy who sees ghosts dies (and he really is the son of that Asian doctor guy) then I think it is a good, working theory. Are the Losties really separated in time? I just figured that Sun woudl have to be in the same time as the other Oceanic folks. I can see why Locke and the new Losties wouldn't be though...this stuff makes my head hurt in a very good way!
Ok, I just watched. Who's the baby of this Amy character? Any guesses? Not Daniel (wrong mother) not Miles (wrong race) and not Charlotte (we already met her. She's older than I thought! She's in her late 30's now... or well, now as in when she died... you know what I mean... I thought she was closer to our age). Anyone else we know was born on the island? Or is it a case of "sometimes a baby's just a baby?"
And I totally predicted the Jack-Juliette-Kate-Sawyer love quadrangle mess when she "got his back" in the shooting picnic incident. That'll be fun to watch!
But how are we all going to get back to the 21st century- will they all band together to do that or, as implied by the preview, will things fall apart before they can do so? And they can't change time, right? So somehow the 70s others die off when Ben kills them- that should happen any day now, right, since Ben was like 15 when he did that?- and then we get back on track? I'm a bit confused about that. Helen help!
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