Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Night I've been fearing has arrived....

So awhile back- I reported (click there) that the producers of probably my new favorite show of the year (next to Modern Family) must be conspiring against me- because Glee was going to be moving from Wednesdays to TUESDAYS at 9 when it returned in April.

Now I thought, April is really far away. So I pulled a Scarlett O'Hara, and thought, "I won't think about that now. I'll think about that tomorrow." And I haven't thought about it. I've been happily watching and recording Lost, so I could rewatch and blog when necessary.

Well the night has come- and I'm screwed! I have an old TiVo, and it doesn't tape two shows at once. (Something to be rectified over vacation, since my brother gave me one of his old TiVos and I'm going to put it in my room. Doesn't one person need two TiVos? Someone sign me up for some inpatient rehab, quick!)

So, I'm taping Glee which starts at 9:28, stupid Idol. Sorry, Stacey and Natalie. And I'm watching Lost, because I wouldn't be able to attend my grade level breakfast tomorrow morning if I didn't.

Life is so hard...............:)


Jo Ellen said...

you can always watch Glee at Casa de McGinnity. And no one will be here over the long weekend but Catman & Wobyn...

Stacey said...

Glee is on Hulu. So I agreed to let my DVR not record it. I plan on letting DH watch his precious Yankees tonight and watching Hulu on my computer. Lost definitely takes priority. Oops, now I have 2.5 episodes to watch. I am halfway through the Sun/Jin episode and not really feeling the alternative reality flashes in that episode. But I hear Hurley's is next and I love Hurley.

Monica Marino said...

WHAT is going on with my dear Desmond? Stuck at the bottom of the well? And I'm befuddled about why he would run over John Locke- does Des rememeber Locke being unkind to him. As Russ said, " for a show that's supposed to be ending, we're not getting many answers." Helen, answers please!