Saturday, April 10, 2010

All You Need is Love.....

So, now we know. This island isn't HELL, it is a CORK to keep evil in, but what this show is all about is LOVE. Sigh.....

What a crazy *&#@%$ episode! We've been waiting and waiting for our Des episode and he certainly didn't disappoint!

Weren't you so happy for Des at first? Life was good. He was traveling the world, living the life, and was the right-hand man of good ol' Charles Widmore. What a great twist to have Charles married to Ellie, and an actual father to Daniel Farraday. Fisher Stevens was good, and creepy, as Des's L.A. chauffeur. Loved the Charlie/Des dynamic. When Charlie said that he had "seen" his other life, and that he was a beautiful blonde, I knew he meant Claire. Did your head spin when Charlie forced the car into the water (at the marina where I think Dylan's dad may have "died" on 90210)? Did you gasp when he held up his hand and said "Not Penny's boat". Ahhh.....It was then that I knew this episode was amazing!

I think we might have some answers. Sideways world is not real-but is it what many of them would like to imagine their lives to be. Maybe they aren't happy or perfect, but they are some other version of what their life could've been. Everyone on some level in their Sideways is realizing that this is not reality- a la the mirror/reflective shots. Desmond is the first to put it all together. Oh, and Daniel Farraday knows something. Think back to "The Constant"- Daniel always has his notebook (in which he wrote "Desmond is my constant"), and Des has his Penny. In this case, she is Penny Milton. (JoEllen enter all comments about John Milton's Paradise Lost here.) My prediction- these worlds will merge, and everyone ends up back on the Island just in time for "the war".

(Hold on- Charlie is dead. Why is he alive in that Sideways- or was he only alive because it was Des's faux reality?)

Des starts to put things together and decides to have Fisher Stevens get him the manifest from Oceanic 815-then wakes up on the island. Is anyone else surprised at how much of this season this Sideways thing is lasting? Opposite of my feeling from last season. I thought it would take them longer to get back to the island, than it did.

Ruh roh! Scary Sayid has come to "save" Des. Crispy Des goes off with him! Des is going to make it through, right?

new episode- "Everyone Loves Hurley"- the other side to "Everyone Hates Hugo"
Who will we see? Libby? Michael? Will Hurley be able to lead everyone to safety?


Mommy, Esq. said...

I loved the ep and couldn't place the chauffer so thanks for clearing that up. It was so sweet when Des pointed out that he fainted to Penny. Great relationships often start out with embarassing moments! Plus she was running in the same stadium where Des met with Jack. We knew Daniel was Widmore's son so that wasn't surprising to me.

Monica Marino said...

I loved the episode. No needless violence, and I always luurrve Desmond. So, is Desmond going to bring them all together and somehow the two worlds will merge? And can we trust Sayid? Methinks no.

Jo Ellen said...

I would like to redirect you all to my comments apres "Josie's Constant." I do have very strong feelings re: Milton's Paradise Lost (glad that English degree was good for something... still waiting on Chaucer. Read that in old English too- wouldn't it be great if the Lost cast mimicked the Canterbury Pilgrims?)
I think I like this thread, although Darlton knows C.S. Lewis and Lewis Carroll, I may have him beat on this one...

Tha Narrator was also a character in the tales: Richard Alpert
The Knight, a crusader, beaten and bloodied: Sayid? Jack?
The Wife of Bath was married like 5 times and supposedly a charmer of all men - had a big gap between her teeth which was hot back then - kind of like freckles are today: Kate
The Pardoner - toted around fake relics to persuade his followers: Jacob? Man in Black?
The Summoner - oh come all ye faithful...: Ben
The Host of the Whole She-bang, the leader of the pack: Flocke fo sho

How I leapt from Milton to Chaucer shows the state of my rattled mind! Anyway... check out my other comment. I'm glad tonight everyone loves Hurley, will we see the job he gives Locke in the sideways tale? Will he pay for John & Helen's reception... oh! oh my...