Sunday, May 9, 2010

You know that TIMES are tough when Smokey is stealing watches...

No seriously, I know this was no episode to joke about...but while I watch I always try to come up with a clever title, and when FLocke picked the watch off the body near the plane, that's all I could think of.

Wow. Empty. That's all I could feel at the end of the episode. I knew deaths were coming and I knew some of these characters who I had come to love would be lost, but the episode was still gut wrenching. You all know that I read spoilers, although I will honestly tell you that I haven't found as much recently and really, REALLY don't want to spoil the ending for myself (or the rest of you). I have a few theories about how this whole thing will end, but the zen side of me (the Dude Crush side) wants to just enjoy the ride....

Now as soon as Sun was giving back Jin's ring to him, and they were strangely speaking English to each other, I knew that one or both of them was toast. I know there are a lot of outraged parents out there- how could Jin not choose to get home to Ji Yeon? This just makes me hold on to hope that death in this world isn't necessarily the kiss of death.

Sayid's death didn't entirely surprise me either as he's been "the walking dead" for most of this season. He seemed less zombielike in this episode- and redeemed himself in the end. I had to rewind and hear what he said to Jack before he ran off with the bomb. Let me paraphrase-"Desmond's in the well, FLocke wants him and you need to get to him first, and it will be YOU in the end". We musn't forget that Kate was shot too, and I'm not entirely sure that she will make it. The scene on the beach at the end was a killer. Hearing Hurley cry almost put me over the edge! I will state this again, if they kill off Hurley I don't know what I will do! Many of you emailed me, facebooked me (is that now a verb) that Lapidus must be dead too. There was so much commotion in the explosion, but I don't think we know for sure that he's gone.

This is the link to "Totally Lost" the videos that Doc Jensen and Dan Snierson from EW do. Hysterical, and informative. A must see!,,20313460_20313475,00.html?bcpid=75281507001&bclid=64100614001&bctid=82703953001

Where is Ben? Miles? Richard? I am still wondering if Ben will be important in the end, and I hope we find out if he ever did communicate with Jacob, or was it always Smokey?

Candidates left- Jack, Sawyer, Hurley- and thanks to the brilliant Jess Bruno we have the reason why Kate Austen was crossed off the list. Because she stole Aaron from Claire, she could no longer be a candidate.

Next week- THE back story finally. Jacob and Smokey and the way they were. Allegedly none (or very few) of the regular cast members will be in this episode. The fabulous Allison Janney of West Wing, Drop Dead Gorgeous, and Juno will be in the episode. Very curious to see what role she will be playing.

If you can make it to a news stand this week you MUST pick up a copy of this week's Entertainment Weekly. It's like 25 pages dedicated to LOST. There's a tribute to everyone who's died, and a recap of each season. Amazing! The best part is that I am bequeathed my very own copy of this magazine this week courtesy of Melissa, who receives two copies at her house. There are eight different covers- HAM received a "Jack" cover and a "Sawyer" cover. She hemmed and hawed over which one to give me. See she's always been more of a Sawyer girl, but shockingly she went with Jack, and I am now the proud owner of the Sawyer mag.

There may be some photocopying and reading during MCAS for all you this week!


Monica Marino said...

I hope you'll save that magazine for me to read. I know it'll be after the fact, but still.

And there's always hope- Russ's cousin Erik points out that Jin has a habit of washing up on shore (alive) so it's still a possibility. Let's hope this time he brings Sun with him.

Are there two or three more episodes?

Mommy, Esq. said...

Oooh! I want to borrow it! I way more into sideways than the island lately and I hate, hate that there are no strong female characters left on the island (look what they did to Kate and to Claire!).

acurrier said...

Of course I got stuck with the Kate cover. Figures. I want that island hooker dead before the end. It would be some small reparation for my "loss".

Stacey said...

Of course I read the article before I watched Tuesday's episode (eye roll) so I knew that those 3 were kicking the bucket. I'm with Kristin - I like the side flashes so much better and hope that that is where everyone ends up rather than the island "reality."

Monica Marino said...

No commentary on the most recent episode?? I am left wondering about the timeline- when exactly did we see Jacob and "Brother" on the beach looking at (presumably) the Black Rock and discussing a loophole? Before Jacob killed "Brother" I imagine... but I didn't get the impression they spent much time together. And how did Jacob find his loophole to kill "Brother"?

Allison Janney was creepy and quite good as Twisted Mother Earth, I thought.