Saturday, January 30, 2010

What's my line?

Lost has given us some pretty good quotes over the last five years. I tried to pick a wide variety. I love the funny ones as much as I love the deep ones.

Can you figure out who any of them belong to, or the context of them?

1. "It's French, the French are coming! I've never been so happy to hear the French."

2. "I'm sorry that I'm not cool enough to be part of your merry little band of adventurers. I know clique when I see it. I teach high school, pally. You know, you people think you're the only ones on this island doing anything of value. I got news for you. There were forty other survivors of this plane crash. And we are all people, too."

3. "Who the hell is Hugo and how did he get $160 million to leave to his mama?!?"

4. "You're a man of science. I'm a man of faith. Do you really think all this is an accident? That we, a group of strangers, survived, many of us with just superficial injuries? You think we crashed on this place by coincidence? Especially this place? We were brought here for a purpose, for a reason — all of us. Each one of us was brought here for a reason."

5. "This is not your island. This is our island. And the only reason you're living on it is because we let you live on it... We've got a misunderstanding, Jack — your people, my people. So listen carefully. Right here there's a line. You cross that line, we go from misunderstanding to something else. Now give me your weapons, turn around, go home."

6. "I don't know what is more disquieting — the fact that the rest of the statue is missing, or that it has 4 toes?"

7. "Do you not hear me, brother? I crashed your bloody plane!"

8. "'He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us.' Your tattoos -- that's what they say." "That's what they say. That's not what they mean."

9. "Ooh, looks like crouching tiger and hidden dragon got something good. Lay it on me." "No nicknames. If you lose, no nicknames for anyone for a week."

10. "Rescuing you and your people...I can't really say it's our primary objective."

11. "Is he talking about what I think he's talking about?" "If you mean time travelling bunnies, yes."

Friday, January 29, 2010

Are you interested....

in seeing the first four minutes of Tuesday's premiere?

I don't think it is terribly shocking, but it is intriguing.

And I'll tell you this- it made me want to rewatch the pilot- which I immediately
went to Instant Netflix to retrieve.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

A four-sided figure is called....

On my list of topics to cover before the premiere next week, tackling the "quadrangle" was obviously a necessity. Literature, TV, and movies are littered with great love triangles; but how many great quadrangles are there? Lost has given us quite a doozy.

From the beginning there was something between Jack and Kate. They met in the jungle just after the crash. She sewed up his wound; he taught her how to count to five and conquer her fears. Jack represented what Katie wanted to want. Sawyer and Kate were cut from the same long-con cloth. Kate definitely wanted Sawyer, and that was made clear in the polar bear cage. Personally, at this point I was more of a "Jater". (I'm not into bad boys:)

Enter, Other Fertility Specialist Juliet. She and Jack start batting eyes at each other, and Kate definitely didn't like it. Fast forward to the set of events that lead Jack and Kate to be part of the Oceanic 6, and Sawyer and Juliet back on the island. Jack and Kate finally hook up, shack up, and even get engaged. This I never bought. It just never seemed to click. Back on the island, Sawyer and Juliet commiserate with some Dharma booze on the beach watching what they believe is the freighter with their loved ones burning away in the distance. Flashback to the love, peace, and science of Dharmaville and there are Juliet and "James" playing house. I didn't see it coming and couldn't believe how much I loved it! Maybe it was Sawyer all cleaned up and finding a way to channel his sheriff energy, but I totally bought them "hook, line and sinker".

Juliet and Sawyer are both shaken by the return of Jack and Kate; but there was definitely a shift to more Juliet, Sawyer and Kate. Watching the "end" of Juliet and Sawyer again the other night was hard. Gut wrenching, even.
So what will happen now? Everyone starts over? Will some combination of this group find their way back to each other? Who are you rooting for?

So are you a Skater, or a Jater, or...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Hold that thought....

I made a whole list of topics I could use for this "Post-Everyday-Until-the-Premiere" challenge, and tonight I find myself throwing it out the window.

At school today my friend Lisa asked, "did you watch the season finale last night?"

Oh my, I thought- I totally didn't- how did I miss that, I really could have used a recap!

Never fear readers- TiVo to the rescue! I realized that I was in my bedroom last night and there may have been taping in the living room and indeed, it did. So I've spent the last hour and a half re-watching "The Incident". It was one of those pop-up episodes with info at the bottom. I love the info, but hating having to keep my eyes peeled on the screen at all times.

Wow! I forgot how much my head hurt after that finale last year. So much happened! I usually watch each episode of Lost twice. I don't think I watched this one twice, so I did some processing tonight.

"The Incident" opens with Jacob weaving and a whole lot of symbolism hit me right away. I'm a big fan of all things Greek mythology, and I think the writers/producers of Lost sure are too. I immediately thought of Penelope, Odysseus' long suffering wife who weaved every night while here husband was away. (This is of course a nod to Desmond's long suffering Penny who waits for him as he goes on his round the world journey.) I'm also reminded of "The Fates" who spin, measure, and eventual cut the thread of each person's life.

Since Jacob seems to pull a lot of "strings" in the lives of our Oceanic 815 peeps, the allusion to the Greeks seems appropriate. (Pretty good, huh. Totally mine)

In 1977-I had forgotten how far Jack has come in this episode. Suddenly he is ready to commit to detonating this bomb and has made the conversion to being a man of Faith- a man who basically now believes in John Locke. (more to come in a future post about the Man of Science vs. the Man of Faith.)

The Quadrangle has many longing looks at each other; Sawyer at Kate, Kate at Jack, Jack at Kate, Juliet at Sawyer, Juliet at Kate? (also more to come on this mess before next Tuesday)

Jack and Sayid are able to get the bomb in a backpack (?) with the help of Richard and Ellie. (I'm surprised they didn't see the Smoke Monster while they were in those underneath tunnels.)

I completely forgot that Sayid was shot- and this reboot must happen in order to save him.

2007-Those Other others (the Ajira Airways people) are traipsing the island with a knocked out Frank Lapidus and John Locke in a box. (You put your Locke in a box...) They realize that "Jacob's shack" hasn't been used in awhile.

Also in 2007- Locke leads the regular Others, Ben, Richard and Sun to the statue to find Jacob. This doesn't end well for Jacob- and Locke isn't Locke- he's the Man in Black.

Oh, and the best part of the episode- we find out that Rose, Bernard, and Vincent have been happily living their dream retirement out in the jungle.

I think I'm ready for next week!

Viewer mail:

Stacey would like to know about Shannon and Boone? Yes, Stacey- in theory the reboot should show us both, however rumors say we are only getting Boone. Apparently Maggie Grace and the actress who played Rousseau were two of the only hold outs. The Boone back story will just be minus his step-sister.

Monica- Oh, poor Daniel.....if you haven't seen yet, you will definitely see what happens to him on screen.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Since you've been gone...............

(For the record, in the Lost Blogathon I've created for myself the most previous post about all of our questions was actually posted yesterday. As I post today, I am keeping with my promise. This one's going to have to be quick, 'cause I have a bunch of school stuff to accomplish at the same time.)

We've lost quite a few characters in these five seasons of Lost. Darlton has always said, "when you're dead on the island, you are dead." Thanks for flashbacks and Jacob's shack we continue to see some other favorites.

Here are my two categories of characters who have left us

I ain't missing you at all.....
Ethan Rom- How creepy was William Mapother in the first season role as the infiltrating Other who tries to take Claire and baby Aaron? (you know he's Tom Cruise's cousin, right?)

Nikki and Paulo- do you even remember these two train wrecks, who as we speak are buried alive? Awful- they were almost the jumping the shark moment of this series

Anna Lucia- just plain annoying, and proof that if you drink and drive in Hawaii, you'll get canned

Gone, but in our hearts....
Charlie- I know others who will disagree, but I have a soft spot for the DriveSHAFT bassist

Rousseau and Alex- I wanted more time for their reunion, and I loved the French woman's Rambo, gun toting attitude

Locke- Obvy

In Limbo- Where does Claire fall? Dead or alive?

Anyone you're glad to be rid of, or miss terribly? (I left you plenty of possibilities:)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

You've got questions, Darlton better have answers

I think this may be the biggest thing to all Lost fans. Maybe more than any other series, there have been may more questions than answers. We've been waiting a long time, do you think this season will deliver? "Darlton" (Writers, Creators, Producers Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse) has promised that the big ones will be.

My biggies:

The Numbers- Next to Locke's big wheelchair reveal, the numbers are the thing that totally sucked me into Lost. I remember distinctly forcing Natalie to sit down as I gave her my TiVo version of the episode. She was completely freaked by Hurley's lottery numbers appearing on the island. (***Side note- I am a HUGE Veronica Mars fan, in the second season there was a really funny plot point by which Veronica receives a Fortune cookie fortune from her former boyfriend that facilitates them getting back together. When the character of Duncan leaves the show, the camera zooms in on the fortune on her dresser and it says something about great love, blah, blah and the numbers at the bottom 4 8 15 16 23 42. Funny. Great to see a shout out from Veronica's producer Rob Thomas to his tv peeps.)

The Smoke Monster- We get a taste for this right away in the pilot. What is in the jungle? Is it mechanical- like when we saw it grab Locke and try to take him underground? What does it "do" to people? Remember how Mr. Eko saw all of his past sins? Does Ben, or the head Other, control it? Is it the Island Security system and related to that Jurassic Park looking fence that Juliet turned off?

The Children and Special Children- remember how the Others came and took those Tailie children in "The Other 48 Days". Why? And what happened to them? The Others also wanted Walt and Aaron. Was it because there seemed to be a birthing problem on the island (thus the necessity of the procurement of Juliet the fertility specialist) or was it because Walt and Aaron were "special"?

Others/Dharma Initiative- I think we can confidently say now that they are not one in the same. While Ben came to the island initially to be part of Dharma, he defected to the native islanders, the Others, and then killed off the DI allowing the Others to move in to their Utopia. So who are the Others? Who is Richard Alpert, and how old is he?

Jacob- When Ben initially say Jacob was their leader and he took his orders from him, I didn't believe him. There was all that weird stuff with the cabin, and Locke, and even Hurley. We "saw" Jacob as Christian Shepherd Jack's booze bag dad who should've been in his coffin. Does Jacob inhabit specific bodies? When we "met" Jacob last season and saw him in all sorts of of Losties back stories, it seemed strange and forced. Of course the all powerful island man seems to have died in last year's finale? Is Faux Locke his enemy?

I could be at this for I'm stopping here.

What are your questions that MUST be answered for you to have closure?

Play favorites

Just over one week!!!! Wow is January flying!

I'm setting the bar high for myself, and will attempt to post every day between now and the premiere. I would love to get a great dialogue going. So my plan is to leave you with some big
questions, and I want to hear all of your thoughts.

I have a bunch of different ideas, but I'll spare you and start small.

Your favorite Lostie is......

For me it is always about Locke.

From the beginning, he was calm in the midst of the storm. He seemed "strange". The knife, the boar hunting, the backgammon playing with Walt. He mystical and mysterious.

And then there was "Walkabout". Premiering on October 13, 2004. It was in this episode that we learned where Locke's optimism seems to stem from. He had his humdrum life at the box company and dreamed of going on a "walkabout" in the Australian outback. He spends his nights "just talking" with a woman on a 1-900 phone line that he insists on calling "Helen". :)
On the island, he comes face to....face? with the Smoke Monster. Which he will later tell all, "I have looked into the face of this island and it is beautiful." I was completely shocked, and the big softy in me crumpled, when the episode ended with Locke being denied his walkabout chance because......dunt dunt dunt.....he was in a wheel chair. Then we see the mangled wheel chair burning along with the fuselage and we see Locke's reaction differently. He can suddenly walk!

Through these last five seasons we have seen Locke struggle with himself. Is he the ultimate Man of the Faith? Was the hatch important?

Locke is Lost to me.

(Of course, I also do love me some Hurley.............................. )

Who makes Lost for you?

Come on now- hit comment. You can do it. You can be anonymous:)

Friday, January 15, 2010

Groundhog's Day, again....

So, I've recently been accused (ahem) by a good friend that I spoil too much for myself online. Ok, there is probably some truth to that. I like to be "in the know". It's the heart of who I am. In another life, I would have been a journalist and why I think I earn my "Veronica" nickname at school.

What I need to know from you all, is how much you want me to tell you? I "know" things and I think many of you read enough on your own to "know" things as well.

I mentioned in my last post about the Groundhog's Day evening premiere being in jeopardy because of the State of the Union (I mean we all know the "state", it isn't so good) All parties, including the White House, came to their senses. No State of the Union on February 2nd.

Some of you have inquired about the choice of Groundhog's Day. I don't think it's a very big secret that the series is set to "reboot" with this premiere. Does Juliet's brave detonation of "the bomb" affect the space time continuum? or will what we see be more of "what if"?

Lots of good info and interviews are popping up. Keep checking in to "frienemies"
Watch with Kristin (my personal favorite) at Eonline and Michael Ausiello at EW. Even better
at EW is the complicated Doc Jensen. I love to read his stuff, but sometimes my head hurts before I even finish the first page (and there is usually like 5 detailed pages of theories and connections.)

So grab a drink, sit down and read some of this info- 17 days friends!!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thanks Barack Obama!

So apparently, the White House is mulling over two dates for the lovely State of the Union address. Either Tuesday January 29th or......wait for it.........Tuesday February 2nd. Yes
that Tuesday February 2nd when our beloved LOST is set to premiere. Of course stupid (sorry Natalie and Stacey) American Idol starts the 26th.

A little clip from one of my favorite sources:

"According to an ABC insider, there is talk of moving the premiere to the following Tuesday (Feb. 9) if Obama sticks with Feb. 2. However, it is not an easy decision. "Steve McPherson loved the idea of launching the series on Groundhog Day [which is Feb. 2 this year]," the insider tells me. "And obviously the amount of marketing capital spent on the Feb. 2 launch is considerable."

Really ABC insider- Groundhog's Day is always February 2nd and Christmas is always December 25th, and Halloween is always October 31st.

My opinion, if it counts for anything, leave the premiere in the 26th because Fox won't show the State of the Union anyway, and it won't ruin everything! Ugh!

Do you love the new promo shot of the cast as the Last Supper? What do you think of good old Locke in the Jesus chair?