Saturday, January 23, 2010

Play favorites

Just over one week!!!! Wow is January flying!

I'm setting the bar high for myself, and will attempt to post every day between now and the premiere. I would love to get a great dialogue going. So my plan is to leave you with some big
questions, and I want to hear all of your thoughts.

I have a bunch of different ideas, but I'll spare you and start small.

Your favorite Lostie is......

For me it is always about Locke.

From the beginning, he was calm in the midst of the storm. He seemed "strange". The knife, the boar hunting, the backgammon playing with Walt. He mystical and mysterious.

And then there was "Walkabout". Premiering on October 13, 2004. It was in this episode that we learned where Locke's optimism seems to stem from. He had his humdrum life at the box company and dreamed of going on a "walkabout" in the Australian outback. He spends his nights "just talking" with a woman on a 1-900 phone line that he insists on calling "Helen". :)
On the island, he comes face to....face? with the Smoke Monster. Which he will later tell all, "I have looked into the face of this island and it is beautiful." I was completely shocked, and the big softy in me crumpled, when the episode ended with Locke being denied his walkabout chance because......dunt dunt dunt.....he was in a wheel chair. Then we see the mangled wheel chair burning along with the fuselage and we see Locke's reaction differently. He can suddenly walk!

Through these last five seasons we have seen Locke struggle with himself. Is he the ultimate Man of the Faith? Was the hatch important?

Locke is Lost to me.

(Of course, I also do love me some Hurley.............................. )

Who makes Lost for you?

Come on now- hit comment. You can do it. You can be anonymous:)


Mommy, Esq. said...

Lock WAS my favorite but I hated the ending of last seaons - he's dead to me. Instead I'll focus on the local science geek (Daniel). But I also have a soft spot for Desmond and of course Penelope. :)

Monica Marino said...

I love Desmond and Charlie. Locke confuses me, frustrates me (too many weird cryptic messages) and I guess I'm more like Jack... I want ANSWERS! not questions. Will we see Charlie back this season? I'm watching last season on DVD and loving it. Daniel, I like, but his accent (comes and goes sporadically. What's it like in real life? Where is he FROM?) and I love Myles's snippy comments.

Jo Ellen said...

even though you gave me a teaser last night that this would be the subject of your blog - actually committing a favorite to cyberspace is harder than I thought. (I also want to say that my "Lost Supper" comment was made before I read ALL of Doc Jensen's head-spinning correlations -Sawyer/
Whore of Babylon)
Just about everyone knows I have a super soft spot for Dez - complete with his photo surrounded by valentine's stickers in my classroom, more than a few students have asked if that's Mr. McGinnity... I just love his love for Penny. Who doesn't want to be loved like that... I was the only person who fell hook, line and sinker for The English Patient- yet hated Titanic.
Never liked Charlie - like him WAY better on Flash Forward.
Love Locke. Not sure how I feel about him as FLocke - or worse the Smoke Monster himself. Helen is right, the Walkabout episode reels you in, as does the Daddy Dearest episode, where despite the world's worst toupee, you just can't believe his father stole his kidney and later chucks him out a window.
Hurley deserves good lovin'. I hope he finds Libby in Season 6 - anyone who has Cheech Marin as a Camaro drivin' daddy deserves lovin. Who can forget the VW van and the Road to Shambala?
Yes Monica - Miles is classic!
Hate Kate...
Hate Hate Hate Ana Lucia - hate huh!
Love Sun...
Love Sun's bald headed lover who got offed too...
I love Juliet. But not necessarily with Sawyer. I loved her devotion to her sister and the battle with cancer, the desire for a baby, the wanting to "fix" things - cue Coldplay please. You were never sure where her allegiances lay.... but remember when Ben shows her the video of her sister and the baby playing? The love/pain on her face was palpable.
And I really, really miss Mr. Eko and his Jesus stick. The jungle scenes with his brother, the airplane and the smoke monster. Wow!
So Helen, I can't commit.
But I love LOST. Just love it.

Stacey said...

Hmmm. I'm not sure who my favorite is. But I know who it's NOT: Kate or Jack. I can't wait to see what is going to happen with the reboot. Can you link to the Doc Jensen article that the PP mentioned? I haven't seen that yet.