My biggies:
The Numbers- Next to Locke's big wheelchair reveal, the numbers are the thing that totally sucked me into Lost. I remember distinctly forcing Natalie to sit down as I gave her my TiVo version of the episode. She was completely freaked by Hurley's lottery numbers appearing on the island. (***Side note- I am a HUGE Veronica Mars fan, in the second season there was a really funny plot point by which Veronica receives a Fortune cookie fortune from her former boyfriend that facilitates them getting back together. When the character of Duncan leaves the show, the camera zooms in on the fortune on her dresser and it says something about great love, blah, blah and the numbers at the bottom 4 8 15 16 23 42. Funny. Great to see a shout out from Veronica's producer Rob Thomas to his tv peeps.)
The Smoke Monster- We get a taste for this right away in the pilot. What is in the jungle? Is it mechanical- like when we saw it grab Locke and try to take him underground? What does it "do" to people? Remember how Mr. Eko saw all of his past sins? Does Ben, or the head Other, control it? Is it the Island Security system and related to that Jurassic Park looking fence that Juliet turned off?
The Children and Special Children- remember how the Others came and took those Tailie children in "The Other 48 Days". Why? And what happened to them? The Others also wanted Walt and Aaron. Was it because there seemed to be a birthing problem on the island (thus the necessity of the procurement of Juliet the fertility specialist) or was it because Walt and Aaron were "special"?
Others/Dharma Initiative- I think we can confidently say now that they are not one in the same. While Ben came to the island initially to be part of Dharma, he defected to the native islanders, the Others, and then killed off the DI allowing the Others to move in to their Utopia. So who are the Others? Who is Richard Alpert, and how old is he?
Jacob- When Ben initially say Jacob was their leader and he took his orders from him, I didn't believe him. There was all that weird stuff with the cabin, and Locke, and even Hurley. We "saw" Jacob as Christian Shepherd Jack's booze bag dad who should've been in his coffin. Does Jacob inhabit specific bodies? When we "met" Jacob last season and saw him in all sorts of of Losties back stories, it seemed strange and forced. Of course the all powerful island man seems to have died in last year's finale? Is Faux Locke his enemy?
I could be at this for I'm stopping here.
What are your questions that MUST be answered for you to have closure?
I think you got 'em all! Although, maybe... I'd like Richard's back story. How did he get so powerful- a la "He could get hit by a bus" re Juliet's ex. Where'd he come from and why?
I agree with Mon - I want to hear about Richard.
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