Friday, January 15, 2010

Groundhog's Day, again....

So, I've recently been accused (ahem) by a good friend that I spoil too much for myself online. Ok, there is probably some truth to that. I like to be "in the know". It's the heart of who I am. In another life, I would have been a journalist and why I think I earn my "Veronica" nickname at school.

What I need to know from you all, is how much you want me to tell you? I "know" things and I think many of you read enough on your own to "know" things as well.

I mentioned in my last post about the Groundhog's Day evening premiere being in jeopardy because of the State of the Union (I mean we all know the "state", it isn't so good) All parties, including the White House, came to their senses. No State of the Union on February 2nd.

Some of you have inquired about the choice of Groundhog's Day. I don't think it's a very big secret that the series is set to "reboot" with this premiere. Does Juliet's brave detonation of "the bomb" affect the space time continuum? or will what we see be more of "what if"?

Lots of good info and interviews are popping up. Keep checking in to "frienemies"
Watch with Kristin (my personal favorite) at Eonline and Michael Ausiello at EW. Even better
at EW is the complicated Doc Jensen. I love to read his stuff, but sometimes my head hurts before I even finish the first page (and there is usually like 5 detailed pages of theories and connections.)

So grab a drink, sit down and read some of this info- 17 days friends!!!!

1 comment:

Jo Ellen said...

Hi, this is your "good" but accusatory friend here... I like the tidbits, I need some mystery though. The whole series is so complicated with so many interwoven threads I think I enjoy the reminders more, but that might be an age thing. Can't wait for a new post on the premiere! Start typing!!