Thursday, February 18, 2010

Look left, look right.....

Sorry, I've been remiss in posting as promised. Vacation business got a hold of me, and as Tom Hanks said in You've Got Mail, "I've had a project that needed some.....tweaking" I've been super busy doing a million things- but I'm back and we've got LOST to discuss.

WARNING- This post is a little disjointed, but I'm sure you peeps will understand:)

First and foremost, "What Kate Does" - So raise your hand if you thought Sayid had been inhabited by Jacob? Apparently, no as Mr. Ohno and Lennon had to "test" him. He's infected, with a darkness=smoke monster? (Lots of irony to see the torturer being tortured.) Very interesting to see the pill that Mr. Ohno created and that Dr. Jack was supposed to administer to Sayid. Hold on a minute- that pill looks familiar? I know them as veggie pills and take two of those a day- is my gym trainer trying to kill me?

Claire has also been infected, a la why she has morphed into trap-setting Rousseau. (And both women gave birth on the island and lost their babies) I will say that I find this twist intriguing. I really thought Claire was dead, which is why she was in the "shack" with Christian/Jacob. But were all the times we (Jack) saw Christian was he really the Smoke Monster.

This past week's, "The Substitute"-

What's the deal with these Flash sideways- why are they different? Why are people's lives not as they were before? I assumed that we would see how life would've been if Flight 815 had arrived at LAX, but it appears that life for the Losties was different before they left too. (Hurley saying he's the luckiest guy in the world. Rose works for Hurley- I didn't think she even lived in L.A.)

Locke was definitely not with Helen [ :)] when he left on his walkabout. He was with her awhile back when he got obsessed with his dad. And they were going to invite his long-con dad to their wedding. How was he injured, if not by his dad?

Mommy, Esq is bothered by watching a Locke sideways story where he really is Locke and then an island story where he is no longer our Locke. I enjoy calling him "Faux Locke" or the also enjoyable "Flocke"- but I propose to you a third name that is also meaningful- "UnLocke"

How creepy was UnLocke travelling the island as his smoke monster self and the reflection we could see of that in the window at Sawyer's house in New Otherton? (PS- that metallic chugging sound that we hear when we see the Smoke Monster, is the same sound I heard in the car wash today. I half expected to see some swirling smoke and my life flashing before my eyes- eek!)
Do we love Sawyer's drunken/despondent acceptance of Locke's appearance? Is Sawyer the new Locke, as he blindly follows UnLocke around the island?

The climb down to the cave was crazy/ Names on the ceiling- I of course deleted the episode after I only got to watch the scene once with my TiVo slowmotion. Are these the same names as on "the list", and if so why no Kate? Could this whole thing possibly just be about finding the next Jacob? (is that who that was little blond kid running around the island messing with UnLocke's head) I feel a great reality show coming on, "Lost Island's Next Jacob Top Idol".

Other favorite parts of the episode- I loved crazy-eyed Richard running away from UnLocke/Smoke Monster who could easily catch him. I love when he stumbled out of the brush to tell Sawyer that they needed to run back to the temple for safety. I'm really looking forward to his back story. Locke's funeral, with Sun, Lapidus, and Ben of all people. Ben apologizing for murdering him and Lapidus' saying, "worst funeral I've ever been to." Oh and I almost forgot- Ben turning out to be Dr. Linus at the school Locke is substituting at. Love the grumbling about the coffee filter- very much like the grumbling about missing forks in the Killam staff room...:)

In casting news:

Apparently Maggie Grace's Shannon is back in- a day later and dollar short for me. She belonged on that plane arguing with Boone. I'm not sure I need to see her now. How about you?

Next week- "The Lighthouse"- Hmmm.....wasn't that the name of the place in LA where we saw Ellie, Daniel Farraday's mother?


Stacey said...

One totally random, off the cuff prediction. Aaron = cute blond kid UnLocke sees? Discuss.

I was wondering why I had such a weird vibe about the LAX revised lives. Now I realize I didn't make the connection that their lives were "tweaked" differently even BEFORE they got on the plane. But why? Wouldn't that invalidate everything that came before and after? And most of the storylines are the same (like Kate's or Jack's) so why is Locke's so substantially different? Or Hurley? Gah. They promised answers and my head hurts even more.

Jo Ellen said...

Helen is connecting me to Ben Linus as I really feel the least the Town of Reading can do for me in provide forks in the lunchroom.

I was baffled by the sideways stories - so how did TruLocke get injured if not for dear ol' dad?

Lennon & Mr. Ohno (sorry Apollo) need to protect Jack, but eliminate Sayid - was he necessary for the return to the island last season? I think yes. What changed?

I'm liking Stacey's connection to Aaron! Nice. My head hurts too!