I’m a woman of faith. Maybe it’s my attempt to have a mostly cheery disposition (shush), but I am not giving up on Lost. I know there are a lot of complainers out there; too many new questions, too many new Others. I’m not giving up yet. I’m just embracing Season 6 and trying to love every minute of it. Many, many years ago I remember hearing or reading that those random people you see every day, you know the person at Dunkin Donuts or the person in the car next to you on the same stretch of double-divided highway, are people you meant to see or know for some reason. I have always totally believed that. This idea lead to a discussion about this season and the “Alternate reality” (which btw Darlton is saying is not an alternate reality- hmmm to be discussed more later) School comrade Lisa says, that she believes that somehow everyone in the alternate reality is going to end up on the island anyway. Hmmm…. Friend Amy says that it’s okay for the Sideways world to be different because 815 never crashed, and maybe life before that changed as well. A total shift in the timeline.
Quick thoughts from this past episode:
1. Jack mentioned to Hurley that he saw his dead father on the island- I wondered if this made Hurley think about all the dead people that he sees? Back in the cave, Adam and Eve- must be important. Love Hurley wondering if it could be them from another time travelling time….hmmmm….
2. Jack wondering about his appendectomy scar…..hmmmm…..seems like he was thinking about it……
3. I miss the comic relief of Hurley in these serious episodes. How about Jacob telling Hurley to get Jack to go somewhere with him and Hurley’s response- “Have you ever tried to get Jack to do something?”
4. Crazy Freaking axe carrying Claire- with her crazy baby! What about when Jin tells her Kate has Aaron! Her response, “I would kill her!”
5. Claire’s recognition of the “Lockeness Monster” J as her “friend” was confirmation to me that Smokey was previously inhabiting the body of Christian Shepherd and that he was pretending to be Jacob as Christian back in the shack.
6. Sideways Jack has a son named David. Jack seemed doomed to repeat the sins of his father, but worked hard at the end to repair his relationship with this teen. Who is David’s mother? Was Julie Bowen just not available because she is now tied up as Claire on “Modern Family”? I think not- they didn’t tell us for a reason. Could it be Juliet? (Easter Egg- Jack found the key to David’s house under a rabbit statue.)
7. Lighthouse- WOW! Jacob has been watching, like Santa I guess. Kate’s name was on that dial and 108 was “Wallace”.
Now I want to hear your thoughts. Oh, but this is good too.
and this
from the same press junket, but has some funnier lines- the Black Rock one made me chuckle out loud!
Silver and Gold
11 years ago
1 comment:
Adam and Eve = Bernard and Rose? Discuss. A pretty good episode but I am still thrown by how different their lives are which begs the question, "Does that make each of the Losties (or Others) too different to go back to the Island? Are they no longer the same people and therefor not Candidates?" Otherwise, wouldn't the airplane have still crashed. My head hurts...
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